1. Burst spells - OSRS Wiki
9 feb 2024 · Burst spells are the weaker group of multi-target damaging Magic spells in the Ancient spellbook, and the second weakest group overall.
Burst spells are the weaker group of multi-target damaging Magic spells in the Ancient spellbook, and the second weakest group overall. These spells hit up to nine targets in a 3x3 square area.
2. Ice Burst - OSRS Wiki
20 jul 2024 · Ice Burst is the second tier Ice spell from the Ancient Magicks spellbook, available at level 70 Magic. It is capable of hitting up to 22 ...
Ice Burst is the second tier Ice spell from the Ancient Magicks spellbook, available at level 70 Magic. It is capable of hitting up to 22 damage (without any magic damage boosts) per cast.
3. OSRS Ice Bursting & Barraging Guide: MM1 & MM2 tunnels
6 mrt 2024 · Ice bursting or barraging refers to the use of ice burst or barrage spells to attack multiple enemies at the same time to earn high magic ...
This guide will teach you the best way for ice-bursting & ice-barraging in OldSchool Runescape, as well as the locations of the MM1 and MM2 tunnels.
4. OSRS Bursting Guide - VirtGold
Bursting involves using Ancient Magicks' Bursting spells, such as Ice Burst and Blood Burst, to deal damage to multiple monsters clustered together. These ...
In the following guide we will talk to you about Bursting, which is a training method well known by OSRS players to train both magic and slayer, and here we will be givi…
5. Maniacal monkey/Strategies | Old School RuneScape Wiki - Fandom
Once you reach the location indicated by the map, you can use Ice Burst or Ice Barrage, or throw chinchompas at stacks of Maniacal monkeys. There are different ...
Maniacal monkeys are good monsters for training Ranged on with chinchompas, or Magic with the Ice Burst spell. Given their low magic defence and low physical defence, the strategy is generally to maximise your max hit. Their drops include prayer potions and as such, when training using Protect from Melee, provide a low click-intensive form of training, somewhere on par with Nightmare Zone. Partial completion of Monkey Madness II (reached Kruk's Dungeon). To reach the best spot to kill Maniacal m
6. Magic Bursting Efficiency - Old School RuneScape Discussion
20 okt 2023 · Ice Burst being smth like 220k mage xp/h with something around 140-150k def xp/h, forgot hp it's more expensive but it is faster than bursting.
I've been meaning ask this actually but why does everyone use Ice Burst and not Smoke, Blood or Shadow Barrage instead until you get Ice Barrage? Is there some sort of hidden tactic that nobody knows about for Ice Bursting only until Ice Barrage?
7. Burst spells | Old School RuneScape Wiki
Burst spells are the weaker group of multi-target damaging Magic spells in the Ancient spellbook, and the second weakest group overall.
8. [Public] MMII Ice burst / ice barrage calc by under constr - Google Docs
[Public] MMII Ice burst / ice barrage calc by under constr. MM2 Magic; Calc ... 7. CLICK HERE · In-depth mm2 bursting/ barraging guide. 8. More coming soon. 9. 10.
[Public] MMII Ice burst / ice barrage calc by under constr